Event Detail  
Event Start Date : 03/09/2019 Event End Date 03/09/2019

Community Service Project was held at DAV School Khera Khurd / Budhpur was held on 2nd September 2019 in assciation with Rotary Club Delhi Uptown .President Rtn VP Verma and Secretary Rtn Mr. Vijay Gupta delivered copies , pencils and erasers to Economical weaker section children . It was an endeavour to prmote litracy and education . Principal Mam Ms. Devika Dutt and Rotary Teacher Incharge conveyed heartfelt gratitudr  for this noble task through this project.




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DAV Public School, Budhpur
Near Bus Stand, Delhi,
NWA, DELHI,110036
E-Mail Id - davkkdelhi@yahoo.co.in

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